Sabtu, Januari 14, 2012

Mrs. Herlina (2011) said "...." and then my opinions are......

 " three important keys are
 1. serenity to accept things that I can't change
 2. courage to change things that I can change
 3. wisdom to know the difference.."

i hope i can understand and implement these three keys..i know that i have some differences from you -you   always says that the differences make us complete each other-
i know there're something that can't be changed forever, because we are born from different culture and  family
but, i also know that there're some terms can be changed,, may be it's the common paradigm, or may be it's  my self. but i prefer to get the former one..there're still any wishes, but family is always everything for me,,
I hope i don't make them sad or disappoint with me..

 "we have not to be like a stone,,"
that's right, the world is like a river which the water flows to the sea rightnow,
the dinamic world can't be held by static effort
we have to move,, to empower our selves,,
of course, in term of life principal we have to be like a stone, strong and unshaken --as long as it is not a    mistake or sin--

 "everything felt difficult we meet, just do it with joy"

a big trouble, is often actually a small problem
but, we looked it by a lup or even microscope,, so it looks like a giant stone that will fall on our head..
just smile, take a breath, take one step,,
and look! how beautiful this world is,, don't polute it with your sadness..

 "when i was left by my husband (he passed away), it's not just felt i loose something, but i think some parts of  my bone was broken, it hurts me till now,, that's really the most sad event in my life"

to love someone, we have to dare to loose
there's time God given for us to be with our sweetheart,, but He can take him/her from us, at the time we   don't know when and we don't expect before
we have to learn from Ayub.. God has given, let God take it
but, the most important point is give thanks to God, because He gives us an opportunity to love and to be   loved..
when we meet our true soulmate,, we will feel that we're one,,
 "a teacher is someone that give many things (or much things- I don't know how to interpretate it).. so, the compulsion to be able in giving, i have to having first"

teacher is not always a person who attend the class, and give some lesson, or write on whiteboard,,
but teacher is may be our friend, our brother, our sister, or our parents, or even our enemy (if you have it, of  course)
we have to have more passion to get many things to share,, not for ourselves only,, to be a teacher in other's  life
because, we are created to do the right thing..
so be a right man in right place and right time, do the right thing and do the thing right..

 ok, friends,,
 these are some lifesharing i got from my teacher
 and i don't have to be selfish, so i share it to you,
 may be some point is different from your opinion, but that's ok,,
 because these are so many opinion, not the fact, in this note..
 I'm sorry if there are many mistakes in my English,, I still study and learn to be better in English

 Be blessed and peace be upon you,, ^_^
 with love...(Then) Derbie 'Cismilir' OcTANia Suryanto 

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