Farewell is a little thing to person who often go from one place to another..
Farewell is a must, and always be in this life..
Farewell, ya, I was often separated from another if I go or go home.. That's not any feeling significantly shown..
At this time, if I imagine what would happen then..
I don't think I like farewell..
If i remember what happened in the past,, it hurts me..
And when I imagine what I will feel again,, it hurts me more..
and my heart seems to go out,,
If we can't see each other anymore..
I realize that when he or she was near me, i didn't have always quality time together..
But, in deep of my heart, you -all of you- always be here.. in my heart..
When I have to say farewell to my sweetheart because another one, ya I regret it for the time being,,
but that's ok then because life is choosing..
that hurt gives no big effect on me..
because you are not my own..
It's different from she or he who being in my life as my brother and sister..
When my brother had to go, it made me sad so much..
I knew it's for his better life..
But i couldn't lie to myself that it's hurting..
When I could communicate frequently, it reduced my sadness..
But when rush came to block us,, i feel i want to cry loudly: please you go, rush!!!
When I can talk to him? hah?!
When my friend finish his study,, i know it's time to say, goodbye dear friend..
I know, I just friend for you..
You often make me smile, being disturbed, or being scolded,,
but it's ok..
No one ever tell me like what you tell.. No one is too brave to do like what you do to me..
When you come to your success, I am happy too..
But, once again, I can't lie, if you are dear in my heart,,
I can't imagine that I will never see you again..
How I will face this world without you? You and I know exactly that I will be able to survive,, but..
i will miss you so much..
When my roommate have to go away, back home,, and will not be my roommate anymore..
Ya, now I can freely do everything i want to do, without thinking the other's feeling..
but, I think this room will so silent, without you -that tell me so much story,, or listen my story-, without you - to whom I can angry or get anger-,
I know, many times we are not in the same opinion,.
Many times we cry..
But, there are more time we smile together, laugh together, and 'crazy' together..
I can't imagine, how I miss you then..
And I will miss your advice, if I forget to eat, forget to take a bath, forget to keep my health, or if I am so panic facing my problem..
farewell.. Why it's called that?
Because it has two word if we want to split: fare and well
Fare means "travel" (in verb) and well means "done good"
so, these farewell means you - all of you- go to done something good., so I will keep my smile in my face, and say ev'rything will be OK for you and for me..
But, I will always miss you.. Why it's called "miss"? Because miss means "lose"..
ya, I feel you are lost from my side.. so, i will meet you to treat my pain.. one day,, i will meet you again,,
Even if we can't meet again, you -all of you- have to know, that I'll always love you, so much, in my deepest heart...
- dedicated for four most influential persons in my life and the most being thought (beside my dear parents)- today version -
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